Virtual Reality

Social Work News - How VR software can give you the benefit of hindsight

Social Work News - How VR software can give you the benefit of hindsight

In today’s digital age, technology is rapidly transforming the work that we do. For this month’s feature interview, editor Amy Dawson and art director Owen Dye met with Helen Costa…

D/sruption - 7 Companies Using Tech To Improve Mental Health

D/sruption -  7 Companies Using Tech To Improve Mental Health

Is your business thinking about mental health?

Mental health is a hugely profitable market. Now that the stigma surrounding mental health issues is gradually lifting, more people are considering the importance of wellbeing. Not only is this an opportunity for businesses to build genuinely useful, lucrative products and services, but it has encouraged companies to look at the wellness of their own employees as a driver for success.

Recognition, however, is not the same as a remedy. If anything, mental health problems are becoming more prominent. By 2030, for example, the World Health Organisation estimates that depression will place the largest single burden on healthcare globally… Here are seven organisations trying to do something about it.

5) The Cornerstone Partnership

The Cornerstone Partnership has developed a number of VR scenarios to help people to understand the mental health of children who have experienced the social care system.

Award Winning Films

Award Winning Films

In addition to the recognition and awards from Raindance and SIA which the Cornerstone VR library has received, we are thrilled to win Immersive Education of the Year at the Immersive Perspective Awards, which celebrate the best of Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), and Mixed Reality (MR) in the industry.