
The Big Issue - Changemaker Helen Costa is using VR to help adopted children feel safe

The Big Issue - Changemaker Helen Costa is using VR to help adopted children feel safe

What if you could see the world through a child’s eyes – would you change your behaviour towards them? Helen Costa thinks so. When she co-founded The Cornerstone Partnership, she had one mission: to improve the lives of families touched by the care system.

Technology and the Future of Children’s Services: How VR, AI and emerging technology can bring us closer to the children we serve

Technology and the Future of Children’s Services: How VR, AI and emerging technology can bring us closer to the children we serve

Cornerstone co-hosted a fringe session at the LGA exploring the possibilities, ethics and practicalities of bringing emerging technology into children’s services and highlighting how VR has been bringing us closer to the children we serve.

Children's Minister calls on "really impressive" VR tool to be used by all social workers

Transforming Mental Health and Social Services through Immersive Technologies- A Cornerstone and KTN Collaboration

Transforming Mental Health and Social Services through Immersive Technologies- A Cornerstone and KTN Collaboration

Cornerstone and The Knowledge Transfer Network co-hosted an event considering how immersive technologies are revolutionalising mental health and social services.

Ofsted Recognition - "Better... adoption decision-making"

Ofsted Recognition - "Better... adoption decision-making"

Ofsted has rated Calderdale Council’s Children and Young People’s Services as ‘good’ overall with ‘outstanding’ features following an inspection in November 2018. As part of the One Adoption West Yorkshire RAA, we are delighted that Calderdale’s innovative use of the Cornerstone Library came in for particular praise.