
Technology and the Future of Children’s Services: How VR, AI and emerging technology can bring us closer to the children we serve

Technology and the Future of Children’s Services: How VR, AI and emerging technology can bring us closer to the children we serve

Cornerstone co-hosted a fringe session at the LGA exploring the possibilities, ethics and practicalities of bringing emerging technology into children’s services and highlighting how VR has been bringing us closer to the children we serve.

D/sruption - 7 Companies Using Tech To Improve Mental Health

D/sruption -  7 Companies Using Tech To Improve Mental Health

Is your business thinking about mental health?

Mental health is a hugely profitable market. Now that the stigma surrounding mental health issues is gradually lifting, more people are considering the importance of wellbeing. Not only is this an opportunity for businesses to build genuinely useful, lucrative products and services, but it has encouraged companies to look at the wellness of their own employees as a driver for success.

Recognition, however, is not the same as a remedy. If anything, mental health problems are becoming more prominent. By 2030, for example, the World Health Organisation estimates that depression will place the largest single burden on healthcare globally… Here are seven organisations trying to do something about it.

5) The Cornerstone Partnership

The Cornerstone Partnership has developed a number of VR scenarios to help people to understand the mental health of children who have experienced the social care system.

Forbes - Five Ways VR Is Making The World A Better Place

Forbes - Five Ways VR Is Making The World A Better Place

Virtual reality can change what a person sees, how they think, what they feel and even how they behave. This is because users believe they are present in the virtual environment they find themselves in. The perception of being physically present in a non-physical world is an incredible sensation. It's the reason why VR has been used to treat conditions like autism, PTSD, depression, and paranoia; offer pain relief and even promote recovery in paraplegics.

This powerful tool is changing lives for the better. Here are five examples:

Fostering & Adoption

The Cornerstone Partnership

Charity Digital News - VR transforming support for vulnerable children

Charity Digital News - VR transforming support for vulnerable children

Evaluation of virtual reality training used by social enterprise Cornerstone is showing positive results among carers and children’s professionals…

Children & Young People Now - Virtual reality 'deepens understanding' of trauma

Children & Young People Now - Virtual reality 'deepens understanding' of trauma

Virtual reality (VR) technology helps professionals grasp the traumatic experiences of looked-after children, research has found.

Transforming Mental Health and Social Services through Immersive Technologies- A Cornerstone and KTN Collaboration

Transforming Mental Health and Social Services through Immersive Technologies- A Cornerstone and KTN Collaboration

Cornerstone and The Knowledge Transfer Network co-hosted an event considering how immersive technologies are revolutionalising mental health and social services.